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LOPSSC 2012.05.28. 10:23

Jessica Biel has had a prolific career since making her debut in drama series '7th Heaven' in 1996, going on to appear in the remake of 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre' in 2003, 'The Illusionist' and the 2009' film adaptation of 'The A-Team', however it might've been even greater for her had it been she - and not Rachel Mcadams - who was cast in 2004's 'The Notebook'.

"The Notebook - that's one that I wanted so badly" she reportedly told Elle Magazine, pointing to the fact that she auditioned for the role whilst still covered in fake blood from the set of 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre' as a reason she may not have succeeded. "I was in the middle of shooting Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and I auditioned with Ryan Gosling in my trailer - covered in blood. Nick Cassavetes put me through the wringer in an interesting, excitingly creative way," she said, before adding "but there's a million that get away. We're gluttons for punishment. It's just rejection".

Though MCAdams has since gone on to Swiss Replica Watches
make waves starring in 'Wedding Crashers' and alongside Owen Wilson in Woody Allen's 'Midnight In Paris' , it's not all been downhill for Biel either. As for what's next, the actress said, "I'd love to write. I wrote a lot of short stories and poetry when I was a kid. That was my creative outlet. I've written a short film, and I write poetry."